Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Conversations with Melchizedek – Fulfillment of Prophecy – Where do we go from here?

Unite and Fight or Fragment and Fold

It was a little over a year ago the Melchizedek prophecies began and forecast a series of unusual events in the immediate future including the beginning of a year of devastating weather anomalies beginning in August and September of 2017.

The intensity of weather patterns would defy all known forecasting models and techniques and a series of weather anomalies would shatter weather records throughout the world.

It would begin with devastating winds coming off the seas, not just resulting in record hurricanes but causing these huge storms to defy forecasting as well as physics and logic.

The assault of hurricanes since late summer certainly did that shattering records and performing incomprehensible physical deviations.  For example, the massive Gulf Coast Houston storm made two complete circles over the Houston area delaying its departure for two days and leaving behind staggering flood damage with flood waters measured in feet, not inches.

Then a series of hurricanes hit Florida and the East Coast after demolishing the islands and nations of the Caribbean, damage still trying to be fixed today.  As a powerful hurricane swept straight up the Florida peninsula a second hurricane stopped dead in the waters off New England while a third pushed them from behind.

Clearly the gods are angry.

Before the winds of destruction from the Gulf Coast and Atlantic Ocean had subsided a new assault from the winds exploded in flames in the west, and the State of California was in a fight for survival.  Wildfires struck with a vengeance catching the West Coast by surprise as the Santa Ana winds in Southern California and Diablo winds of Northern California began a brutal path of destruction in their march to the sea.

As the raging fires engulfed the west coast a bone chilling record cold swept over the Midwest and East Coast from Chicago to Atlanta to New England powered by Canadian Clippers Nor’ Easter, and Lake effect winds, accompanied by piercing temperature drops.  Much of the Eastern half of the nation was a frozen winter wonderland.

Then came the torrential rains in California and the fires of Hell scorching the landscape became massive floods and mudslides destroying anything in their path.  To this day we are still digging out from the mud.

We are now halfway through the year of strange weather anomalies Melchizedek warned us about, already reeling from a ten-fold increase in families seeking disaster aid, over $100 billion in federal disaster assistance, property damage of over $300 billion, with another $1 billion in damage from the California wildfires expected.

What next?

Melchizedek said the initial onslaught would shift to the “ground shaking” in ways not experienced in our lifetimes.  The North Korean nuclear tests have already resulted in unexpected earthquakes on the North Korea and China border.

He also said there would be a sign in the skies of Michigan that would stun the people and scientists with objects blazing a fire trail in the sky as they fall from the heavens and look as if they will crash into the Earth.  The extraordinary light would illuminate the darkness and be seen by many.

Just this morning there was the following headlines;

Earthquake-causing meteor leaves southeast Michigan residents awestruck

2 mins · 
FLASH OF LIGHT: Experts say a bright light and what sounded like thunder in the sky above Michigan was a meteor. More:
Have you ever seen anything like this?

A meteor exploded so close to Michigan that it shook houses and lit up the night sky

Witnesses from Chicago, Northern Indiana and Canada, all bordering Michigan, filmed it.  Was it a series of meteors hitting all at once or one huge meteor?  Forty miles from Detroit a 2.1 earthquake was triggered at the same moment.  Some witnesses say it crashed into Lake Michigan.

Is this the strange light from the heavens over Michigan Melchizedek foretold?  News reports today are filled with reports f the strange lights in the sky, the blazing trail toward earth, and a brilliant explosion that rocked the earth and caused a 2.1 earthquake.

Everything that has happened recently including unlikely side stories or shows like the EU referendum or Brexit vote in the UK, the stunning election upset by Trump, and the bizarre and threatening behavior of North Korea were also predicted, reported in advance, and happened.

What further remains?  More anomalies relating to the light show in Michigan.  We are transitioning into a period where the ground will be shaking all around the world with earthquakes in the Midwest US, China, India, and the Middle East.  There will be a great loss of lives in the coming storms and disasters.

By the time we reach September of 2018 everyone will be aware that what is taking place is far greater than odd weather cycles, than weather anomalies, than climate change could cause.

Earth has reached a critical point in spiritual evolution and has failed to see the light.  We are blinded by the gold of money and not the golden glow of the heart of the Father.  If we do not get back on track of our own volition, the growing veil of darkness will threaten to engulf the earth.

The war between right and wrong, good and evil, in the far reaches of the heavens will pill over into our planet, Earth, causing massive chaos, destruction, loss of life, and a breakdown of institutions.

You see, what happens on earth reverberates throughout the galaxies of Creation.  The failure of our governments and people to connect the dots between our actions and the spiritual consequences, will not be allow to take place by the universe.

Already underway is a massive infusion of the legions of Michael’s Angels into the Earth plane as well as the arrival of aliens from other worlds to battle the darkness and restore the spiritual evolution we have lost.

The battle could rage for decades.

This is not the End Times, though many may wish it was.  It will lead to a worldwide awakening that reminds us we are a small microcosm of the universes, where polarity thrives and a delicate balance must be restored to save the galaxies and inhabitants of all Creation.

The time has come to see through the Maya, the illusion, and seek out the truth.  The people on earth may be a hodge-podge of diverse sexes, cultures, religions, races, tribes, and jumbled ethnicity, but in the eyes of the Creator we are One, just like the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We are One, humankind, to the Creator and those outside our little world.  Perhaps awareness of the dark side, the angels, and the aliens will help wake us up.

We must become One again, as we were in the beginning, so together we can save our world and the people living here.  In doing so we will fulfill our sacred covenant with the Creator, and do our part for the good not just of earth but all of Creation.

Your awakening and your help are desperately needed to save the planet and save the people, all the people.

Here are video reports of the incident that caused quite a commotion in social media.

Meteor sightings in Michigan:

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