Thursday, November 02, 2017

Melchizedek Prophecy - North Korea is on the brink of self-destructing, and sinking into oblivion


Melchizedek says the continued testing of nuclear bombs by North Korea has added to the years of damage done by other nuclear powers since 1950 to our Earth and environment.  He also says that while the current situation might get us to the edge of nuclear war, it will not happen because Mother Earth has begun the process of repairing our planet from the carnage of the past.

However, continued activity could have enormous consequences to North Korea if it does not stop.  A spiritual intervention might be needed to end the build up once and for all which remains to be seen.  Continued ignorance of the damage being done by the testing, will result in severe actions that may be quite devastating.

The Chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea is the head of state and supreme commander of the armed forces of North Korea and the most powerful person in the government as the Supreme Leader of North Korea is Kim Jong-un..
Let us hope and pray Melchizedek is right.       

North Korea Nuclear Test Site Collapse Killed 200 People: Report

Sofia Lotto Persio, Newsweek
More than 200 people are believed to have died in underground tunnels after a collapse at North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear facility.
The test site was reportedly badly shaken by the aftermath of the country’s sixth nuclear test, a 100-kiloton hydrogen bomb roughly seven times more powerful than the atomic bomb the U.S. dropped on Hiroshima in 1945.
North Korean sources told Japanese television channel Asahi TV that the collapse occurred in October during the construction of an underground tunnel at the facility.
Around 100 workers were stuck underground and a group that was sent to their rescue were also buried after another collapse, causing a total death toll of around 200.
A series of small-scale earthquakes that followed the September 3 test indicated the facility, built south of the Mantapsan mountain, may no longer be stable enough to conduct further tests.
According to experts, the building of new underground tunnels would indicate a willingness to move the test site to another part of the mountain, as the facility is unlikely to be abandoned. 
 “If North Korea were to attempt to continue testing under this mountain (such as in the area more to the eastern side), then we would expect to see new tunneling in the future near the North Portal, still under Mt. Mantap,” researchers Frank Pabian and Jack Liu wrote in a report published earlier this month on the North Korea monitoring website 38 North.

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