Friday, September 22, 2017

CPT Twit - The "V" - Fond Memories of a Greek Wyoming Cowboy Lost in Time and Space - The Don Vassos Synopsis


Don would truly love having his own Coltons Point Times Twit which those of you may not know is our vehicle for communicating with those mostly brain dead and incapable of comprehending 144 character tweets.

It was two years ago his heart gave out as he was preparing for a trip to Wyoming and Maryland.  If you know your geography, traveling to Wyoming from Nebraska is west, while Maryland is east, but those kind of deviations from normality were normal for the "V", as his many friends called him.

Once upon a time the Greek was quite little. 

At a very early age Donnie was taught to love life.

Quite often he was the champion clogger at family gatherings.

Sometime after the atomic bombs were dropped
on Japan Don decided to try the Marlon Brando look.

It was then he had to decide between the pressures of youth...

or the pressure on youth.

So his dad sent him into the mountains,
for his first vision quest.

Once he returned he set out to find a new truck.

He was never that comfortable on bicycles.

Besides, he like the ambiance
of the grease monkey's garage.

Don discovered philosophy at an early age
when he learned to write at about 13.

In time he would be drawn to the ancient temples of Nebraska.

You can see him in seat 120783 on the left doing chants.

The mountain man moved to Omaha to find himself.

There he rediscovered the music and drinking of his youth.

But it was never enough.
He wanted to know what the gods knew.

He wanted to know aliens.

He wanted to see the world up close and personal.

He wanted to be surrounded by a motely crew.

He wanted to build exciting things.

He wanted to find the Hand of God.

So he changed his image to a learned gentleman.

Then surrounded himself with well bred hunters,
Larry, Larry, and Larry.

Now he was the life of the party, the oracle,
the great imposter, and the intelligensia.

Life was good to Don Juan.

Occasionally he made mistakes, like all great minds.
Stu was never meant to be a horse.

Don could now explore from a higher perspective.

He got a radio show on health to save the world.

He found a cool way to get an Oscar.

He and Koory caught the biggest, baddest bass in the world.

Here is the only dog Don could never dominate.

Here was his last dog friend Mr. Henry.

Here was his last great discovery.

And here was his last mission on earth.

So Don, what do you think of your own page.

Figures, farewell old friend.
Ever consider the possibility of staying dead?

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