Monday, September 18, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek – More Weather Anomalies Coming

Jesus - The Path to the Creator
After Melchizedek's warnings about the unusual aspects of the first two hurricanes of the season, Harvey and Irma, and the wide swath of damage it caused, two more hurricanes are following in their footsteps and once again the Caribbean and Eastern Coast of the United States may face yet more strange weather behavior.

Hurricane Jose is meandering up the East coast and may give Boston and New England a blast as it passes by, a quite rare occurrence.  Hurricane Maria, however, poses a much greater threat as it is following the destructive path of Irma and has its sights set on the nearly destroyed Caribbean Islands, as well as the Eastern USA.  Speaking of anomalies, the Caribbean has not suffered a direct hit by two hurricanes in one season, another record that will fall in the next few days.

As damage estimates in the USA alone already push beyond $200 billion, additional damage will become a burden to the nations involved.

Of course we have also recorded nine major solar flares in the past two weeks affecting radio, cell phone, and other reception at a time when the solar disruptions are supposed to be in the multi-year quiet cycle.  Then there are the record fires all over the western United States, Canada, South Africa, Portugal, France, and Siberia burning millions of acres and destroying homes and businesses.

Melchizedek warned there would be numerous natural disasters over a twelve month period ending next August that would cause temporary disruptions to the electrical grid, Internet, and thus security systems protecting our borders.  His warning is for the entire world, not just America.

According to Melchizedek storms will continue to come off the oceans bringing high winds, flooding, and other damage.  He also said “the ground will be shaking” as well and to watch for significant earthquake disturbances in Middle America and the Western region of China near Tibet.

One of Melchizedek’s more profound quotes is to “look for the good in adversity.”  The world has been so focused on polarization, hatred, and frustration in recent times that finding good in adversity might appear to be an overwhelming task.

Human emotions are one of the most powerful forces we have at our disposal and our failure to master and control our emotions magnifies and intensifies the impact of the negative emotions, thus shrouding earth in a cloud of negative energy.

In gloomy times like these, and according to Melchizedek this is not the first nor the last time we will experience this, it often takes intervention by Divine Providence to snap us out of our self-generated and self-perpetuated sea of negativity.

We are in an adjustment phase and the series of weather anomalies is our wake-up call to stop our downward spiral and once again move ahead with our spiritual evolution.  Will we wake up?

All it takes is a change of attitude which is achieved through prayer, collective prayer, to our Creator.  Earth is abundant with religions and philosophies claiming a connection to the Creator so where are the leaders calling for us to stop the hatred, and to pray.  No one is pleased with the way things are and they are only going to get worse as long as we remain trapped in falsehood, and we remain self-perceived as victims.

You have the power, along with everyone else who shares a vision of a world in peace and harmony, free of hunger and bias, hatred and starvation.  Do you really think the Creator of all that is would not give us the power to make things right?  The power is the ability to ask for His help in making Creation, our world, serve the will of the Creator and manifest the love and mercy and compassion and empathy for all of Creations within Creation.

All souls are equal when it comes to our relationship to the Creator.  If we use our creativity, our imagination, and our determination, there is nothing we cannot accomplish.  Maybe it is time we give it a try.


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