Monday, September 11, 2017

Conversations with Melchizedek – Did America just Witness a Modern-Day Miracle?


Hurricane Irma is over and the worst, most powerful hurricane to ever exist in the Atlantic Ocean plowed through the entire State of Florida from Key West to Jacksonville, Miami to Tampa and Tallahassee with just five deaths, four resulting from car or truck wrecks, and minimum injuries.

Even more amazing is within 48 hours many evacuees will be allowed to start returning back to their homes and businesses and a significant number of the five million without electricity will see it restored much earlier than the dire predictions of the news and weather reports.

Several unnatural events took place during this foreboding natural disaster that defy logic, natural law, and human understanding, and resulted in a remarkable change in the results of the disaster.

Call it what you like, here are some of the “miracles” resulting during Irma.

The most powerful hurricane in the history of the Atlantic Ocean got stalled in the Cuban Mountains and lost significant parts of its strength, defying all weather predictions.  It never regained the Category (CAT) 7 power (as analysts rated it) when it reached the Florida mainland.

At first sustained winds of 180 mph with gusts to 235 mph were supposed to hit Florida by this CAT 5 hurricane.  Various weather experts said if ratings went beyond CAT 5 Irma would be a CAT 7.  Instead there were sustained winds of 50 – 80 mph and occasional gusts reaching 80 – 130.  In addition, the CAT 5 super storm landed as a CAT 3 and left Florida as just a tropical storm.

The news media said we were “lucky” but public officials acknowledge it is “miraculous.”  Melchizedek says “praise be to God the Father of all Creation.”

Yet that is only the beginning of the miraculous swath Irma traversed through the entire length of the Florida peninsula.

Beyond that, somehow this monster storm over 400 miles wide was able to shift directions over and over again like a NASCAR racer at Daytona as the eye first moved from the east to west side of Southern Florida.

First it moved west away from the 5.5 million people in Miami to the 357,000 people in the Naples area.  Then it reversed itself and moved east again bypassing the 3 million residents in the Tampa area as it plodded up the center of the state before moving west again and avoiding a direct hit on Orlando and Jacksonville, another 4 million people.  It was almost as if the hand of God was moving it along the way.

The news media said we were “lucky” but public officials acknowledge it is “miraculous.”  Melchizedek says “praise be to Allah the Father of all Creation.”

There is more as the catastrophic storm surge the media said could reach 20 feet high in all the towns and cities along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts seemed to disappear.  Only Miami and Jacksonville areas experienced any surge impact of significance and it began receding by the next morning as the storm moved north.

The news media said we were “lucky” but public officials acknowledge it is “miraculous.”  Melchizedek says “praise be to Yahweh the Father of all Creation.”

Then another unpredictasble weather anomaly occurred as some highly vulnerable bay areas, expecting huge surges, astounded the media when the waters started receding as Irma approached, just the opposite of what was expected.

From Sarasota Bay to Tampa Bay water levels kept dropping nearly draining the areas and exposing sights formerly underwater.  The sudden drop in water levels also trapped a few Manatee who were saved by good Samaritans.

This mysterious anomaly resulted in the news media and weather experts saying those trillions of gallons of water disappearing would return as part of the storm surge potentially making it twice as catastrophic when it hit land.  In yet another of the many extraordinary coincidences by the next morning when the storm surge should have flooded the low-lying areas of the bays, the missing water had returned but no storm surge and what surge there was never breached the sea walls.

The news media said we were “lucky” but public officials acknowledge it is “miraculous.”  Melchizedek says “praise be to all Gods who are the Father of all Creation.”

After the horrors of hurricane Harvey, which was an “unlucky” storm by media standards, this series of miraculous events spawned by Irma seem to mark a change in the national and human consciousness.

All of America responded to the tragedy of Harvey and collectively prayed for the people of Texas as day after day of torrential rains pounded them with up to five feet of water.  Somehow Harvey defied physics and natural law also as it twice turned around and went back into the Gulf of Mexico to re-intensify.

Harvey woke us up to the human tragedies unfolding, a time when our national consciousness was obsessed with politics, and the bevy of people and causes dominating the media.  We were trapped in a world dominated by fear as manifested in wars, greed, politics, and pure hatred instead of tolerance.
Guess what, Harvey knock all that fear mongering off the television screens and nightly news as Americans responded to Harvey with perhaps the greatest humanitarian effort in world history.

Volunteers, heroes and heroines, essential supplies, and massive amounts of financial aid poured in to the victims of Harvey and it was fueled by a groundswell of Prayers, prayers to all Gods of all religions including God, Allah, Yahweh, ad infinitum.  We were all united as one in a great humanitarian outburst.

Melchizedek hopes it will lead to our realization of a few inalienable facts.  We all share a common desire to live a “good” life.  We all can care and pray for humanity.  We all are Creations of the Creators.  Finally, when we pray collectively, when millions become One, powerful miracles can happen if we just ask for help from the Creator for the common good of humanity.

When we pray collectively for a common good and direct that prayer to the Giver of all, “Our Father” Creator, there is no limit to the Power of Prayer.  Prayer is the answer to connecting between worlds and altering the course of our destiny.

“Luck” or Divine Providence?  What do you think?      

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