Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Who can you trust in the News Media? or Can you trust anyone in the News Media?


Since facts, truth, and honesty all seem to be absent in the news media of today the question becomes who can you trust?  The answer was already provided by real Americans in polls undertaken by the news media.

With a variety of polls this past year showing trust in the news media has fallen to 7%, the lowest ratings ever, one must conclude you do not go to the media for truth.

First their is the obvious political bias with The New York Times leading the anti-Trump media establishment along with fellow progressive advocates NBC, ABC, CBS, CNN, Washington Post, Politico, and on and on.

So why would you want to rely on any of these blatantly biased Trump haters?  Take The New York Times for example.

On February 13, 2017 they ran the following story based on a column by 2 psychiatry professionals.

The New York Times


The Opinion Pages | LETTER

Mental Health Professionals Warn About Trump

To the Editor:
Charles M. Blow (column,, Feb. 9) describes Donald Trump’s constant need “to grind the opposition underfoot.” As mental health professionals, we share Mr. Blow’s concern.
Silence from the country’s mental health organizations has been due to a self-imposed dictum about evaluating public figures (the American Psychiatric Association’s 1973 Goldwater Rule). But this silence has resulted in a failure to lend our expertise to worried journalists and members of Congress at this critical time. We fear that too much is at stake to be silent any longer.
Mr. Trump’s speech and actions demonstrate an inability to tolerate views different from his own, leading to rage reactions. His words and behavior suggest a profound inability to empathize. Individuals with these traits distort reality to suit their psychological state, attacking facts and those who convey them (journalists, scientists).
In a powerful leader, these attacks are likely to increase, as his personal myth of greatness appears to be confirmed. We believe that the grave emotional instability indicated by Mr. Trump’s speech and actions makes him incapable of serving safely as president.
Beverly Hills, Calif.
Dr. Dodes is a retired assistant clinical professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. Dr. Schachter is a former chairman of the Committee on Research Proposals, International Psychoanalytic Association. The letter was also signed by 33 other psychiatrists, psychologists and social workers.
Correction: February 14, 2017 

An earlier version of this letter misstated the number of co-signers in addition to the two lead signers. There were 33, not 35.

Hard core progressives seem to forget the credibility issues of our news media when they agree with the story.  Even the article shown ends with an acknowledgement the facts are inaccurate, note the correction at the end.

But they fail to tell the truth when they imply the opinion of two people means there is a national consensus among professionals, a conclusion nothing short of journalistic hypocrisy. At last count there were 50,000 psychiatrists, 170,200 psychologists, and 642,000 social workers in America.  This story represents the opinions of just two of the 862,200 professionals in the fields.

Follow the folly of fools and become a fool yourself.

Here are recent headlines about the integrity of The New York Times.

Hillary Clinton campaign blasts 'egregious' errors by The New York Times

Clinton campaign complains of 'egregious' New York Times reporting errors

By Dylan Byers

The F.B.I. Criticizes the News Media After Several Mistaken Reports of an Arrest

Citing 13 Erroneous Statements, Issa Demands NY Times Retract Error-Ridden Front Page Story

Issa's office

August 19, 2011

August 8, 2014 11:20 am
The New York Times’s Erroneous and Shameful Defense of Hamas

by Debra Feuer /

NYT Finally Corrects Erroneous Planned Parenthood Stories

How the False Story of Kitty Genovese’s Murder Went Viral

Winston Moseley, the man who killed Catherine “Kitty” Genovese in 1964, died last week in prison, the New York Times reported yesterday.

Erroneous New York Times Article on Mercury

·                                 Document Type: DOC
·                                 Language: English
·                                 Tags: Mercury, mercury elimination, Mercury Device Phase Out
Erroneous article on the New York times which covers Mercury-containing devices.

MEDIA WATCH: New York Times corrects error in quote from Sarah Chambers in front page article about Rahm Emanuel's problems...

Glaring Front Page Error by David Sanger, New York Times as Iran Nuclear Negotiations Near Deadline

/17 Comments/in Foreign Policy, Science /by Jim White

New York Times Forced to Correct Erroneous Abortion Story

David Schmidt   Aug 29, 2011   |   7:12PM    Washington, DC

New York Times Rewrites Iraq War History
To Bush—and Times—WMDs were not just a 'possibility'

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong, Wrong

Alessandra Stanley’s troubling history of error

July 24, 2009 1000 words

Alessandra Stanley has fallen back into old habits. This week, the New York Times television critic was responsible for a long, embarrassing correction:

Experts Slam New York Times Hack Job On GMOs

CNBC Moderator Harwood Admits Premise of His Question on Rubio's Tax Plan is Erroneous

Earlier tonight moderator John Harwood, of CNBC and the New York Times, attacked Senator Marco Rubio's tax plan on the grounds that it disproportionately benefited the top one percent of earners. Rubio insisted the premise of his question was wrong, but Harwood stuck to his guns. Here's the exchange:
HARWOOD: Senator Rubio, 30 seconds to you.
8:52 PM, Oct 28, 2015 | By Mark Hemingway
Earlier tonight moderator John Harwood, of CNBC and the New York Times, attacked Senator Marco Rubio's tax plan on the grounds that it disproportionately benefited the top one percent of earners.

Erroneous Study Of Advanced Prostate Cancer Criticized By Experts

This week, bad news for adult men has plagued the internet in the United States. Experts found that a study from Northwestern University was based on false information reporting that the cases of advanced, aggressive prostate cancer had risen sharply from 2004- 2013.
A report from The New York Times claimed that there are several organizations that covered the study including Newsweek, NBC, CBS, Fox News and United Press Internationals. Their reports revealed that recent medical advice against routine screening may be the one to blame for the supposed rise in advanced cases because it causes diagnosis to be delayed until the cancer is already too late to be treated. Another factor that was pointed was the possibility that prostate cancer were more aggressive than it originally was.
However, on Wednesday, the American Cancer Society disputed the validity of the Northwestern researchers' findings. According to Dr. Otis Brawley, the society's chief medical officer, said the methodology used by the researchers was defective, leading to the study's false conclusions, reported.

Seven Errors in Today's New York Times Editorial

Sunday, July 17, 2011, 2:07 PM

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