Tuesday, November 01, 2016

News Bulletin - Donald Trump moves ahead of Hillary Clinton for the first time since May according to latest ABC News Washington Post tracking poll!


Trump gains 13 percent in past few days in stunning reversal of polling data, now leads in voter enthusiasm and toss up states!

As of today, Tuesday, November 1, Trump has powered into the lead in the national poll and has closed ground in numerous toss up states with most polls now showing the race too close to call. 

While politicians debate the people speak and so far, the news is not good for the Clinton campaign.  In spite of a valiant effort by ABC and the Washington Post to explain away the Trump surge, indicative of their long opposition to the GOP standard-bearer, the facts are facts.

Trump has gained 13 percent from October 23 to October 30.

Trump voter enthusiasm is 8 percent ahead of Clinton, which represents a 7 percent loss in enthusiasm by Clinton.

In five ABC News designated toss up states, Trump now leads 48 percent to 41 percent, an astounding advantage ABC claims is not significant.

Fasten your seat belts, there are just seven days until the election.


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