Friday, October 07, 2016

FYI - Must Read Articles of Interest Today October 7, 2016


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Hurricane Matthew

Hurricane Matthew: Hundreds dead in Haiti storm disaster
The death toll in Haiti as a result of Hurricane Matthew - the most powerful Caribbean storm in a decade - has soared to more than 400, officials say.
Some 50 people were reported killed in the town of Roche-a-Bateau alone
The nearby city of Jeremie saw 80% of its buildings levelled. In Sud province 30,000 homes were destroyed.
Category Three Matthew, with sustained winds of 120mph (193km/h), is heading up the coastline of the US state of Florida but has not made landfall.
It remains unclear whether it will do so.
At 08:00 local time (12:00 GMT) Matthew was off the Florida coast, about 45 miles east of Daytona Beach and moving north-west at about 13mph, the National Hurricane Center said.
§                       Live updates on Florida
§                       Hurricane Matthew in pictures
§                       Drudge Report kicks up storm
§                       Haitians describe hurricane ordeal
§                       Hurricane response: How do Haiti and Florida compare?

One Senator told AFP news agency that at least 400 people had died. Reuters news agency put the death toll at 478, quoting Haitian officials, but this has not been independently confirmed.

Complete BBC article

Russian threatens United States over Syria

The destruction of Aleppo


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