Wednesday, May 04, 2016

Trump Juggernaut Crushes the Most, the Best, and the Brightest to win GOP Primary


Billionaire Queens Rich Kid New Voice for the Silent Majority

Over the years, I worked on 32 political campaigns ranging from local, state, and federal including executive and legislative branches.  While I know it may upset the diehard political activists among my readers, I worked for Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.  You see, I never believed in the litmus test theory where you had to pledge blind faith and unwavering loyalty to a philosophical political dogma.

I held fast to the old fashion belief, vote for the person who will do the most good for the people.  Once elected, you serve all the people not just those who voted for you.  In today's partisan world serving a higher purpose does not work.

Perhaps the hardest point of a campaign is the end when you finally know definitively that you won or lost.  Only then does reality set in.  If you were like me then sleep deprivation, horrible eating habits, measuring coffee intake by the pots consumed, stress, expecting the unexpected, and planning for every contingency imaginable and unimaginable, consumed you.

Add to that the mountain of management difficulties from a staff trying to blend professional staff with volunteers, horrendous egos with the darkest of fears of losing, the never-ending pressure to raise more and more money, and assigning critical tasks to thousands of volunteers, and you begin to see the problem.

Of course, that is just the beginning.  Controlling what the staff says to contributors, politicians, and the dreaded media, what the candidate says to the same groups, and what the spouse of the candidate says compounds the complexity tenfold.

Hold on folks, because there is more.  You can take everything I said and multiply it times two, because there is a primary and then a general election.  That is the picture when you plan a campaign.  However, the unexpected still looms large over both campaigns.

Take the current campaign for president.  Donald Trump spent most of the last year defying the experts.  Like him or not, what he did was historic.

No Trump

There was:
1.      John Kasich, Governor
2.      Ted Cruz, Senator
3.      Marco Rubio, Senator
4.      Ben Carson, Surgeon
5.      Jeb Bush, Governor
6.      Jim Gilmore, Governor
7.      Chris Christie, Governor
8.      Carly Fiorina, Senate candidate and CEO
9.      Rick Santorum, Senator
10.  Rand Paul, Senator
11.  Mike Hukabee, Governor
12.  George Pataki, Governor
13.  Lindsey Graham, Senator
14.  Bobby Jindal, Governor
15.  Scott Walker, Governor
16.  Rick Perry, Governor
17.  Donald Trump, CEO

Competition was fierce with nine governors, five senators, one senate candidate, and two with no political experience.  It was the largest primary field in the history of American politics and some say the best field of experienced candidates ever to run in a primary.

The last primary elections are June 7 when California, New Jersey, Montana, New Mexico, and South Dakota vote.  As of yesterday, May 3, there were just three survivors, a senator, governor, and CEO with no political experience.

By this afternoon, the senator and governor withdrew from the race with no chance to catch the last one standing, Donald Trump.  In the end, it was Trump, the most inexperienced person in the massive field, who connected with the voters and taught the politicians a lot about politics.

The only billionaire in presidential history ran against the establishment and obliterated the field, leaving the political pundits, the right wing think tanks, the news media, the corporate owners of politicians, even the Democrats stunned.

July 18-21 the Republican National convention will take place in Cleveland, Ohio when the delegates vote for the party nominees.  The news media and other candidates have been trying to convince the public no one would have the votes to win on the first ballot and formal Stop Trump movements could derail Trump's potential victory with an open convention.

Well the people had a different idea and gave Trump such a crushing victory last Tuesday in the Indiana primary the last of the competition faded away.  The rich kid from Queens, New York who owns buildings all over the world and some of the greatest golf courses in the world stunned the world and himself, by winning two and a half months before the convention takes place.

The victory came though Trump spent less money than any other major opponent did, and in spite of his opponents running nearly 60,000 attack ads against him.  Perhaps this explains why Trump seemed so subdued when he gave his victory speech.  The victory came way before it was expected.

It is going to be a fascinating general election and once again, you can expect the media and political experts to continue to be wrong because the American public is sick and tired of the empty promises of politicians and the establishment, including the Republican, Democratic, and media.

After defeating a Bush and ending a family political legacy in the primary, Trump now faces a Clinton and another family political legacy in the general election with Hillary Clinton.

A national poll released on the eve of Tuesday’s pivotal Indiana primary showed Republican Donald Trump with a 2-point lead over the presumptive Democratic nominee, Hillary Clinton.

Trump’s 41 percent to 39 percent edge marked the first time he has led the race since October.

As recently as March, Clinton led 41 to 36, according to Rasmussen Reports, which conducted the survey.

“I will defeat Crooked Hillary Clinton on 11/8/2016,” Trump triumphantly tweeted on Monday, shortly after the poll’s release.

But the national telephone survey of likely voters also showed that 15 percent of respondents would rather cast their ballots for anyone but the two front-runners.

The tycoon has the support of 73 percent of Republicans, while 77 percent of Democrats back the former first lady.

Trump picked off 15 percent of Democrats, while 8 percent of GOP voters prefer Clinton.

The former “Apprentice” TV star leads 48 percent to 35 percent among men, while Clinton is favored by women, 44 to 34.

Clinton also has a 38-to- 32 lead among those under the age of 40, traditionally a reliable Democratic base, suggesting that younger voters — many of whom now prefer Democrat Bernie Sanders — will be a major target in the upcoming campaign.

Among voters not affiliated with either major party, Trump leads 37 percent to 31 percent, with 23 percent backing another candidate.

The survey of 1,000 likely voters was conducted on April 27 and 28 and has a margin of error of plus or minus 3 points.


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