Friday, January 08, 2016

New MSNBC same old Skullduggery - Manufacturing the News Liberals Love - Part 3.


Morning Joe wins awards for best boasting and best Imitation of a Modern Barbie while rolling out carbon copy of Nazi and Communist Propaganda Machine

The last bit of news regarding the MSNBC changes involves the Morning Joe Show in which a non-descript congressman from the 1990's, Joe Scarborough and his Modern Barbie sidekick Mika Brzezinski have completely redesigned their logo, breakaway slides, and promotional pieces to look like the following.

Not much else has changed except Mika no longer has her entire family on the show selling books and self-promoting.  Her Daddy, Zbigniew Brzezinski, was a former National Security Advisor to Jimmy Carter and we know how well foreign policy things went for Carter with the Iranian's taking 50 some Americans hostage.

Her dad, mom, and two brothers have all made numerous appearances and Mika's own self-promotion of her books and book signings are shameless self-promotion gimmicks allowed by the previous owners of MSNBC but not the new owners.  The blatant conflict of interest and unfair business practice seems o longer tolerated.

Of course, Barbie has never ceased to promote her body parts, in particular legs, so that will most likely continue.

As for the Man Joe, a Congressman who quit in the middle of a term under a dark cloud of suspicion way back in the 1990's, he is the only Republican who admits to being Republican at NBC it seems.

However, his penchant for taking credit for everything that happens in Washington, D.C., for always claiming to have predicted what is going to happen in the future in politics, and for being the source, oracle, and medium for all things in politics, has resulted in an ego far in excess to his head size.

Here is a comparison of the new Morning Joe artwork compared to previous artwork from the Soviet Union Communist party and Hitler's Nazi party.  What is that all about?

That's all folks.

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