Thursday, January 21, 2016

Massive Storm Targets Nation's Capitol - What to do What to do?



Last night President Obama landed at Andrews AFB in the middle of a devastating 3/4 inch snowfall and his helicopter ride to the White House was grounded thus resulting in an unplanned car caravan for the thirty minute trip.

Unfortunately, the entire city was paralyzed by the insignificant and unexpected snow so all streets and highways from Washington DC to Baltimore, to Richmond, anywhere in fact including in Washington, brought the nation's capitol to a standstill rivaling the congressional inertia already in existence.

As the giant Presidential Secret Service SUVs slid sideways into the curbs trying to get to the White House advance teams were pushing cars in front of the caravan out of the way and about an hour later the President finally got to the White House.

Prognosticators said it was a sign that he did not belong in the White House in the first place.  Political analysts said it was a plot by Republicans to demonstrate how ineffective he was as president.  Palin said, what do you expect from idiots, and Cruz wanted to carpet bomb the motorcade.

Trump, of course, said HIS helicopters had no problem with less than an inch of snow and that was another reason he should be president.  Hillary mentioned something about a Socialist plot by Bernie to stop her best friend Barack Obama.

Here is what The Washington Post said about Obama.

"Even President Obama’s motorcade was affected, making its way from Joint Base Andrews at 7:26 p.m. through suburban Maryland and the District. The vehicles stopped at most stoplights and eased their way through the slow-moving traffic, often employing sirens and flashing lines.

After nearly an hour, the vehicles, slipping and skidding, started making more aggressive use of their sirens and stoplight privileges. The ride ended at the White House at approximately 8:40 p.m."


Latest weather forecast.  Citizens stormed the National Weather Center and burnt it to the ground while Walmart reports record profits from panicked people, gas stations sold out gas supplies, hardware stores sold out salt, and groceries sold out ice for when the electric power goes out.  In short, an aura of intellectual constipation has swept over the news media, weather reporters, and public in the Eastern USA.  Nothing new about that.

Latest update for Washington, D.C. - ground zero:

Snowfall expected - 20-30 inches
Winds 50-70 mph
Water - Coastal flooding
Temperature - cold

What to do?  Go to bed, pile on the down-filled comforters, take with you whomever you get along with and do not get out of bed until Monday.


ps I just made a bet on less than six inches of snow south of DC where we are used to 50-70 mile an hour winds and coastal flooding every few weeks.

Today's Newspaper Headlines about Snow Dusting

Inch of Snow Snarls Traffic Ahead of Expected Blizzard

An inch of snow, icy roads unleash 9 hours of traffic chaos across D.C. region

Light dusting causes chaos as massive East Coast blizzard looms

Light snow, untreated roads cause slick streets and a traffic nightmare


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