Wednesday, November 25, 2015

How peculiar - Obama suddenly is almost silent on Chicago Police Murder of Black Man


After inflaming racial tensions by condemning police treatment of Blacks in Ferguson and Baltimore on television and in the media, suddenly Obama uses Facebook

Here was the lead news story today, from Chicago, the number one city in America in murders in 2014 and for several years.

Journalist Brandon Smith, left, and activist William Calloway talk to reporters Thursday, Nov. 19, 2015, after a Cook County judge ordered the Chicago Police Department to release a video of an officer fatally shooting 17-year-old Laquan McDonald on Nov. 25, in Chicago. The video is said to show the officer shooting McDonald 16 times in October 2014. (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

ABC News

By don babwin and jason keyser, associated press
CHICAGO — Nov 25, 2015, 1:54 AM ET

Officer Charged With Murder in Teen's Death

A white Chicago police officer who shot a black teenager 16 times last year was charged with first-degree murder Tuesday, hours before the city released a video of the killing that many people fear could spark unrest.

City officials and community leaders have been bracing for the release of the dash-cam video, fearing the kind of turmoil that occurred in cities such as Baltimore and Ferguson, Missouri, after young black men were slain by police or died in police custody.

Obama goes from press conferences and television interviews to condemn police actions to just posting in his new Facebook account saying he is "deeply disturbed" by what happened!  Now wait a minute, this time there is no doubt the event was unjustified, an abuse of power, and an excessive use of a firearm and Obama is only "deeply disturbed."

Perhaps the media is protecting him from the real story.  Chicago, of course, is Obama's home.  The Mayor of Chicago is Obama's former Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel.  Not only was Rahm his right hand man, he was also the top fund raiser for the Obama campaigns because of his relationship as an executive in Goldman Sachs before he went to work for Obama.

Mayor Rahm Emanuel, Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein and Warren Buffett

The year-long lack of action by the prosecutor in Chicago and the brutal and senseless killing by firing sixteen shots into the victim, who was high on PCP at the time, were about as conclusive of evidence as possible.

A video from a camera mounted on a Police car was suppressed by the Chicago authorities, and only came to light when a judge order the release, which happened today, a year later.  It showed sixteen shots in fifteen seconds.

The City of Chicago seemed to try to minimize the impact of any evidence and keep the whole case out of the media while Rahm Emanuel ran and got re-elected as Mayor during the past year by paying $5 million in hush money, before any charges were even filed.

Maybe it is about time a federal investigation of the role Emanuel had in withholding the video and paying off the family should be investigate.  You might add to that investigate why Obama nearly ignored commenting on this racial incident after being all over the news on all previous incidents.

It seems awfully like a cover-up in Obama's hometown.  Emanuel won a run off for mayor just last April after none of the five candidates were able to get 50% of the vote.  Strange how the liberal media is selectively silent when it comes to our president.

Here is what he had to say about police actions before the incident happened in his hometown.

President Obama's Facebook post says he's "deeply disturbed" by video showing teen shot by Chicago police officer.  November 25, 2015


The Washington Times

Obama says Michael Brown’s death in Ferguson ‘stains the heart of black children’

By Dave Boyer - The Washington Times - Sunday, September 28, 2014

President Obama said the shooting death of a black teen by a white police officer last month in Ferguson, Missouri, exposed the racial divide in the American justice system that “stains the heart of black children.”

Speaking at the annual Congressional Black Caucus Foundation dinner in Washington on Saturday night, Mr. Obama said the death of Michael Brown “awakened our nation” to a reality that black citizens already understood.

“In too many communities around the country, a gulf of mistrust exists between local residents and law enforcement,” Mr. Obama said. “Too many young men of color feel targeted by law enforcement — guilty of walking while black or driving while black, judged by stereotypes that fuel fear and resentment and hopelessness.”


Obama on Baltimore: ‘No Dispute’ Men of Color Disproportionately Targeted by Police
by Tina Nguyen | 4:08 pm, May 4th, 2015

And that sense of unfairness and of powerlessness, of people not hearing their voices, that’s helped fuel some of the protests we’ve seen in places like Baltimore and Ferguson and right here in New York. The catalyst of those protests were the tragic deaths of young men and a feeling that law is not always applied evenly in this country. In too many places in this country, black boys and black men, Latino boys, Latino men — they experience being treated differently by law enforcement. In stops and in arrests and in charges and in incarcerations. The statistics are clear up and down the criminal justice system. There’s no dispute.

Obama: 'No excuse' for violence in Baltimore

By Eric Bradner, CNN
Updated 5:08 PM ET, Tue April 28, 2015

The growing violence in Baltimore, just 40 miles from the White House, represents another challenge for the Obama administration in addressing racial unrest across the country. Since the police killing of an unarmed teenager in Ferguson, Missouri, last summer, the administration has worked to acknowledge deep frustrations in minority communities while also supporting law enforcement.

Obama said he spoke with Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake and Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan on Monday. Attorney General Loretta Lynch, who was sworn in Monday, said the Justice Department is investigating Gray's death.

Just hours after she was sworn in, Lynch was at the White House on Monday evening meeting with Obama to discuss the violent protests unfolding in Baltimore. She said she will send Vanita Gupta, the head of the Justice Department's Civil Rights Division, and Ronald Davis, director of Community Oriented Policing Services, to Baltimore "in the coming days" to meet with religious and community leaders.

Federal Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms arson investigators are aiding local authorities in investigating 60 fires — 10 structure fires like a CVS and a nursing home construction site, the others vehicles — in Baltimore on Monday night.

The White House sent three representatives to Baltimore on Monday for Gray's funeral: Broderick Johnson, a native of the city and the chairman of the My Brother's Keeper Task Force; Heather Foster, an adviser in the White House Office of Public Engagement; and Elias Alcantara, the associate director of the Office of Intergovernmental Affairs.

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