Wednesday, October 07, 2015

CPT Twit - Reporting from Hurricane Joaquin Part 2. - Potomac River Tidal Basin - Coltons Point, Maryland


Remember the monster hurricane about to destroy the east coast of the USA last Friday?

Remember the spaghetti chart showing all the possible places it could hit the USA?

Well here is where it went after all the people on the east coast were scared to death with dire predictions of the fury of the storm.  Not to Washington DC, not New York City, nor Philadelphia, Baltimore, Norfolk or even Hilton Head, but to London as in England did this wayward hurricane   go racing across the sea, exactly the opposite direction from the spaghetti charts we saw all week.

By my count that is about the 20th time the weather service people caught the attention and ratings of the unsuspecting public with emergency bulletins of a monster historic storm headed our way.  Only twice in the past ten years have such storms even hit here, Katrina and Sandy, both of which cost a huge amount of money and lives.

Yet every few weeks the weather stations decide they need to capture the television ratings so they pick out a storm to feature and promise it will wreak destruction for the next year.  Of course, the warning continues until all the stores have sold out their emergency supplies when miraculously, just like Joaquin this past weekend, the storm vanishes and people are left with thousands of dollars in emergency supplies and food.

Do you think it is an accident, or coincidence?

Remember, all those stores selling out their merchandise are advertisers on the very channels predicting the storm.  The worse the prediction, the more money the station gets in revenue.

I would suggest a Congressional investigation of whether there are conflicts of interest in this false storm hype that financially benefits the storm channels, but then nothing would ever get done.

After billions of dollars spent on super computers and high tech equipment and new weather equipment and jet planes to chase the storms, my grandfather sitting on his front porch had a far better result in predicting storms.

Add weather reporting to the professions with the worst reputation, they earned it.

Of course one of the 12 states that were supposed to be paralyzed did get it bad, South Carolina, but not from the wayward hurricane but from being trapped between a High and Low weather pattern leaving parts of the state with 27 inches or more of rain.  In fact, more rain fell in 48 hours than the state usually gets in one year.

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