Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Embattled Hillary Clinton's Secret Weapon to win Election - Picks hubby Bill Clinton to be Vice President


With the polls sagging and the enthusiasm waning for the Hillary for president campaign, some think it will take a miracle to pull a rabbit out of the hat and win.

With all the top Republican candidates within single digits of overtaking her in the polls, and no end in sight to the drip-drip-drip of the email scandal, something dramatic, historic, and polarizing, like naming her husband her running mate, might be the only hope.

What are her options?  Assuming Biden does not jump into the race, and the Bill Clinton Foundation might give him a massive salary to retire and stay out of the race, the second ranking person in the Democratic primary is Bernie Sanders.

If elected, Bernie, at age 74, would be the oldest person to become president in USA history.  Ronald Reagan currently holds the record at age 69.  If Hillary picked him to be vice president, he would still be the oldest vice president in US history.  Alben W. Barkley at 71 years of age is the current leader.

Beyond the age issue, Bernie would be the first self-declared democratic-socialist to ever hold one of the top two offices in our government not to mention the fact he is not even a Democrat but a registered Independent.  In other words, forget Bernie.

What other choice is out there, and who better than Bill Clinton, who just might like the idea since he would have access to the power of the Administration again.  Hillary says she cannot control him and history backs her.

However, people have always underestimated the Clinton's and their proven ability to get people to forget what they have done at just the right moment to win.

There is no way Hillary will get past the email scandal just like there was no way Bill would get past smoking pot, but not inhaling, or declaring oral sex with intern Monica Lowinsky was not a sexual relationship.

When he was a candidate for president, his campaign was nearly derailed by the emergence of his longtime mistress, Gennifer Flowers, in 1992. Then came Paula Jones (claiming sexual harassment), Kathleen Willey (same), Juanita Broaddrick (rape) and, most famously, Lewinsky, the White House intern whose liaisons with Clinton led to his impeachment.

According to Lewinsky’s testimony in the Starr Report, the impeachment investigation, Clinton told her that he’d had “hundreds of affairs” early on in his marriage, but now he was trying to be faithful. That, she said, was the reason he gave for ending their relationship.

The former president has also been rumored to have had affairs with Barbra Streisand, Eleanor Mondale, Sharon Stone and most recently with a woman code-named “Energizer” by his Secret Service detail.

In spite of his rather colorful history, recent polls show Bill with a 64% favorable rating at a time when his wife has dropped from 59% when she was Secretary of State to 38-42% in recent polls.

Can Bill the magician save his wife's campaign and become the first President and Vice President family in history?  Why not?

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