Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Carly Fiaona Conquers CNN with Surge in Polls, Class, and Confidence

Ever since 2010, I have been writing about the qualities and qualifications of Carly Fiorina, as a newcomer to American politics and potential superstar in the future.  I noted she was smart, savvy, cultured, intelligent, and very aware of the issues both domestically and abroad.

This spring she announced for president, but it was not until her dominating performance in the pre-debate against the other men that she dominated the night and surged in the polls.  Ever since she has been the ideal candidate compared to the street brawlers leading the GOP polls.

CNN is moderating the second GOP debate and adopted bizarre rules to determine which candidates would be on the main debate and who would be in the secondary shuffle.  One wonders what CNN will do to top the Fox News Kelly and Trump controversy and record ratings.

Before the debate even began, however, CNN created a firestorm of controversy by saying that it did not matter that Carly Fiorina won the first debate and catapulted from near the bottom of the polls to number 3 in Iowa out of sixteen candidates, she would not be on the main stage.

It seems the CNN gang had established rules that only the top ten in the average of polls from June 1 to September 2 would make the center stage.  Carly, who surged to the top three after the debate, had no chance to be in the final because, according to CNN, there were not going to be enough polls run after the first debate to bring her into the top ten.

Then CNN went so far as to say there was no way to change the rules.  Carly was disappointed but had too much class to get into mudslinging.  Of the other 15 candidates only Ben Carson commented saying she earned the right to be on the stage and RNC chair Reince Priebus also called for a rules change.  CNN said no.

Suddenly there was a public backlash against CNN for blocking the only female candidate for president on the GOP side from the debate.  Lo and behold, CNN figured out on September 1 they could change the rules to make the debate fair and they did.  It will be a great opportunity for America to learn about the other female candidate for president besides Hillary, and I think people might be impressed.

In the meantime, the newest poll in Iowa had quite startling results showing Ben Carson had tied Donald Trump at 23% each while Carly was alone in third with 10% of the vote.  All the other familiar names were behind the three outsiders to politics.  In other words, 56% of the GOP voters in Iowa want someone with NO political experience.

US News and World Report September 1

Some cracks are beginning to appear in The Donald's armor as he seeks the Republican presidential nomination.

The latest Monmouth University poll shows billionaire real estate developer Donald Trump is now in a statistical tie in Iowa with retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, whose support is surging. Each has the backing of 23 percent of likely Iowa GOP caucus goers. It's the first time in six weeks that Trump hasn't been the clear leader in a major poll in Iowa, the first state to hold a nominating event in 2016, CNN reports.

Both Trump and Carson are non-politicians who promise to shake up Washington. Former business executive Carly Fiorina still another Washington outsider, has moved up into third place with 10 percent. The combined support in Iowa for these three outsider candidates – Trump, Carson, and Fiorina – is 56 percent, but Carson and Fiorina are far less blustery and less inclined to lob one-liners and insults than Trump.


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