Friday, August 07, 2015

GOP Debate Shatters Records and Causes Media Schizophrenia


The biggest winners

Fox News
In the estimation of many reporters who cover the political and media beats, Fox News was the winner of the first GOP debate, and with the just-released ratings we can confirm that.

A whopping 24 million watched the debate from 9 p.m. ET to just past 11 p.m. ET. FNC drew 7.9 million in the A25-54 demo.

This is now the highest non-sports cable program of all time, the highest-rated cable news program of all time, and Fox News’s most-watched program ever.

The 5 p.m. ET debate, with the 7 lower-tier candidates did very well for Fox News too, drawing 6.1 million total viewers and 1.2 million in the demo, making it the third-highest primary debate ever on cable.

This broadcast more than doubled the ratings from the previous record, the Obama Clinton debate in April 2008 in which 10.7 million watched.

Roger Ailes
President of Fox News and mastermind of the network dominance of cable television news, it is possible the Fox viewers will surpass the network record for a presidential debate audience the record being 11.3 million by ABC Network.

Fox Commentators
Megyn Kelly, Bret Baier, and Chris Wallace not only kept total control of the ten candidates, they were accused by several news outlets of being far too tough, especially on Donald Trump.  At the same time many liberal media praised them for the outstanding job of moderating.

Carly Fiorina
The California Corporate CEO literally blew the minds of everyone who did not know her, which was most people, with her presidential-like demeanor, knowledge, communications skills, presence, and grace.  Far and away, the most articulate person on either debate, remember she was relegated to the Happy Hour debate, she made the most of the opportunity.

Not only was Carly the clear winner, she also nearly melted down Twitter and Facebook whenever she answered questions and at one point in the early debate she was the subject of 63% of all Tweets.

Carly was featured as a rising Republican star back in the Coltons Point Times on


Super Primary Tuesday - Winners and Losers - The People Speak Out


and a second article


Super Tuesday Election Results

Marco Rubio
The Cuban American seeking to become the first Hispanic president in our history came out of the woodwork and though appearing to be the youngest of all candidates, his was the most presidential presence of all the many candidates on stage.  Beyond the image and composure, his answers were thorough, sharp, very appealing, and he is a great communicator.

Back in 2010 the Coltons Point Time featured Rubio in the following article:


Rising GOP Stars - Marco Rubio, Cuban American Tea Party Patriot

John Kasich
The Governor of Ohio, where the debate took place, was equally appealing with his down-home manner, his litany of experience, his compassion, empathy for everyone, his common sense and his folksy delivery.

The American People
In spite of technical glitches at the very beginning of the debate, which annoyed Megyn Kelly, and the lack of an audience for the early debate of seven, there were a number of outstanding aspects to the evening worthy of note.

The candidates, by and large, were exceptional, the subject area was extremely broad, the speakers kept within allotted times, the questions were direct and often controversial, and the exchanges between candidates were mostly good-natured, and civil.

Of course Trump was Trump but even he was more civil than usual and the liberal media had very little to criticize.  Look for Fiorina, Rubio, and Kasich to leap up in the post-debate polls.

As mentioned, the debate media coverage was all over the map with no logical pattern of what the most liberal papers said, but in the end the American people, not the media will pick the winner.

The Biggest Loser

Hillary Clinton and the Democratic Party

It appears they are finally realizing that there are 17 qualified Republican candidates dominating the news and with Hillary's commanding lead she will not be seriously challenged until a year from this coming September when the conventions are over.

Until then she has to compete with the Republican field for media attention.  With Hillary trying to be a left-leaning liberal so as not to lose her base, her only competitors are Bernie Sanders, a 73 year old Socialist, and Martin O'Malley, a Progressive and former Governor of financially-strapped Maryland.

It should be interesting with her light years ahead in the polls.

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