Friday, July 31, 2015

Thank you to the readers of the Coltons Point Times around the world


As always we like to acknowledge the faithful and new readers to the Coltons Point Times and thank you for sharing our world.  Next year will be the tenth anniversary of the CPT on the Internet.

Double click on picture for full view of video.

This has been a wild decade as we continued to remain faithful to our promise to you to never allow advertising, to never collect names and emails, and basically to never violate all your rights to privacy like most other web sites.

The top ten countries for readers of the Coltons Point Times shifted slightly the past week.

Only two English-speaking countries made the top ten.  United States readers were about 60% of the total while Russia came in second with over 28% of the readers.

Here is the new ranking based on total readers per country for the week:

1.       United States

2.      Russia

3.      France

4.      Germany

5.      United Kingdom

6.      China

7.      Ukraine

8.     Portugal

9.      India

10.  Philippines


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