Tuesday, March 03, 2015

Democrats Trash Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel while defending Obama


In a stunning turn of events for a president used to getting his way from the media and fellow Democrats, President Obama reacted as an Ivy Leaguer whose judgment was questioned.  He conveniently hid behind the skirt of people like Nancy Pelosi and sent out a team of Democrats to bash the leader of Israel for speaking to Congress about the dangers of embracing Iran.

Democrats expressed shock at the warning from the Prime Minister about the dangers from Iran and accused him of lecturing congress about how to govern.  Excuse me, but as I recall the American public also has no faith in congress or the president governing so maybe someone should be lecturing congress on how to do business.

As the liberal news media races to stir the pot of controversy over the remarks, they seem to have forgotten that Obama has had a string of the worst foreign policy decisions we have seen from a president in a very long time.  Wake up media, and check your facts.

Obama called Putin and Russia a has been, tried to embrace North Korea, Iran, terrorist groups and others promising his policy of accommodation would win over our enemies.  Obama's foreign policy has failed in Iraq, failed in Afghanistan, failed with negotiations over Palestine statehood, failed in Benghazi, failed in Libya, and he is desperately scrambling to avoid failure in Iran.

Now the Democrats long took for granted that Jewish people were in their back pocket, and that may be ending.  The organized attack on the Prime Minister by Obama's Democrat clones from congress has driven a major dagger into the heart of the sweetheart arrangement between Israel and the United States.

As Netanyahu so successfully described, Israel has a 4,000 year history in the Persian gulf and has survived wave after wave of attempts to exterminate the Jewish people.  Our experience with Iran covers about 50 years and during that time Iran has imprisoned our embassy staff, thrown us out of the country, sponsored terrorist attacks on American military killing hundreds, and declared the United States and Israel enemies.

If the speech by the Prime Minister was political, it was because of the exaggerated response by the Obama administration to the invitation from the Republican leadership.  With the consistent scorn that Obama has demonstrated and the often nasty shots he said about the Republicans, what in the world did he expect from them?

Perhaps Nancy Pelosi said it best for the disgruntled Democrats when she said the Prime Minister insulted her with his speech.  Here are her words.

March 3, 2015 Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's speech to Congress on Tuesday brought at least one lawmaker near to tears, and it wasn't for a good reason.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statment  that "as one who values the U.S.-Israel relationship and loves Israel," she was "near tears" throughout the speech because of Netanyahu's rhetoric. She was "saddened by the insult to the intelligence of the United States as part of the P5 +1 nations, and saddened by the condescension toward our knowledge of the threat posed by Iran and our broader commitment to preventing nuclear proliferation."

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