Friday, May 23, 2014

Putin goes where Obama fears to tread - A real news conference


How about that?  The bully leader of the bad boys of Russia (according to the White House), President Vladimir Putin, went where Obama has feared to tread most of his presidency.  Putin held a no holds barred press conference with, you won't believe this, USA television network CNBC whose claim to fame is reporting on finances.

There were a couple of huge scoops in newspaper jargon in how this went down because every TV network in the world would love to interview Putin in the middle of the USA Russia tensions.  CNBC is owned by NBC who used to be one of the water carriers for the Obama Administration.

Putin spoke at St. Petersburgh, Russia to an International Economic Forum hosted by Geoff Cutmore from the CNBC London office, a second scoop.  By the way, in contrast Obama got Putin thrown out of the last world economic summit.  Putin's speech was followed by a no holds barred news conference in which Cutmore had no restrictions on questions.

For over an hour the Russian President did what our own president cannot do, respond to any question asked by the media no matter how sensitive.  The few times Obama ever holds a news conference, the same Obama who promised as president to give us transparency but in truth gave us a stone wall, the subject and time have always been restricted and the press was hand picked by the White House for most appearances.

Putin had no problem and no fear facing the demons from America, the liberal press.  In fact he was totally relaxed, frequently used humor to make a point, and laughed at the charges Obama made against him when questioned.

Go to the following link for a full story on the astonishing event.

Just yesterday Putin stunned the financial world by concluding a 30 year energy agreement with Chinese President Xi Jinping as Obama style US foreign policy continues to drive the rest of the world away from us and into each other's arms.

Perhaps equally amazing was the announcement also today that NBC news will air a TV prime time special next Wednesday of a multi-hour interview with NSA whistle blower Edward Snowden also filmed in Russia and which had to have the blessing of the Putin administration.

As noted before, NBC was the pied piper for President Obama for years but the recent actions demonstrate that NBC has discovered telling the truth may be a far greater way to win the ratings in America.

What remains to be see is if MSNBC, the center of left journalism in America, will also tire of apologizing for the president's actions or lack of actions and get real.  Mainstream Americans will always be in the middle of the political pendulum or what President Reagan described as conservative with compassion.

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