Thursday, April 17, 2014

Will Holy Week be another wasted opportunity in the evolution of mankind?


Many religions of the world have Holy Days during April and May as the following calendar indicates.  One wonders how the people of the world can be so absorbed in religious activities yet still have time to hate, judge, condemn and envy those who do not share their beliefs but have one of their own.

The history of the world is filled with tragic examples of religious warfare in which murder, deceit and persecution have all been undertaken in the name of God, Allah or YHVH.  In fact, so no one feels left out here are a number of names for God from various religions and disciplines.

* Absolute Spirit or Absolute Consciousness
* Absolute Inclusiveness
* Allah
* Anima Mundi (World Soul, Gaia, Universal Soul)
* Atman
* Brahma
* Causal
* Christ
* Cosmic Christ
* Consciousness
* Divine
* Divine Feminine, Kali, Oya, Pele, Mary, Shakti, Black Madonna or any of the other many names for Goddess embodying Absolute Divinity in a female manifestation.)
* Divine Mother
* Divine Mystery
* Divine Presence
* Ein Sof
* Ever Present Origin
* God
* Godde
* Goddess
* God/Buddha
* Great Interconnectedness
* Great Mother
* Great Mystery
* Great Spirit
* Great Union
* Great Radiance
* Great Relationship
* Great Unity
* Higher Power
* Highest Essence
* Highest Self
* Holy Spirit
* I am Who am (a non qualitative personal Divinity)
* Infinite Consciousness
* Infinite Essence
* Infinite Mystery
* Infinite o­ne
* Infinite o­neness
* Infinite Source
* Infinite Spirit
* Infinite Wholeness
* Integrative Consciousness
* Integrative Spirit
* Jehovah
* Kosmos
* Krishna
* Larger Self
* Love
* Nondual Awareness
* Original Essence
* Original Organizing Principle
* Pre Big Bang Reality
* Post Big Bang Reality
* Shakti
* Shiva
* The Cosmos
* The Source
* The Evolutionary Absolute
* The Infinite
* The Great O­neness
* The Great Radiance 
* The Great Spirit
* The Tao
* The Great Unified Field
* The Great Unity
* The Force
* The Tripartite Absolute, (a term (R)evolutionary Spirituality uses for the combined Personal, Evolutionary and Impersonal absolutes of God.)
* The Absolute Trinity or TriUnity
* The Supreme
* The Ultimate
* The Universe
* Total Reality
* Total Pre and Post Big Bang Reality
* Ultimate Concern
* Ultimate Reality
* Ultimate Truth
* Ultimate Unity or O­neness
* Ultimate Wholeness
* Universal O­ne
* Yahweh
* Wakan Taka

Do we really believe that any of these Gods actually sanctions the sins of earth being used to promote war, murder, genocide, unethical morality or even abject indifference toward the suffering of others?

Of course there will always be extremists and zealots who justify such actions as the intent of God but I suspect the real culprit in their world is their egomania in thinking only they know what is right for everyone else, or they are simply mentally nuts.

So I wonder what the various Gods think of their rabid followers and I wonder if such fanatics represent any more of a threat to mankind and human morality than those obsessed by greed and the many other cardinal sins that seem to be gaining more favor all the time.

During this Holy Week we should all pray that no one should suffer or die in the name of God and that those in the clutches of evil or mental instability be awaken from their toxic world of darkness and become a force for good.

Is that too much to ask of our Gods?  Or are you too weak to want an answer?

APRIL 2014

  • 8
    • Ramanavami ** - Hindu
  • 12
    • Lazarus Saturday - Orthodox Christian
  • 13
    • Palm Sunday - All Christians
    • Mahavir Jayanti ** - Jain
  • 14
    • Baisakhi New Year - Sikh
  • 15
    • Lord's Evening Meal - Jehovah's Witness Christian
    • Hanuman Jayanti ** - Hindu
  • 15-22 *
    • Pesach (Passover) - Jewish
  • 17
    • Maundy Thursday - Christian
  • 18
    • Good (Holy) Friday - All Christian
  • 20
    • Easter - All Christians
  • 21
First Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i
  • 23
    • St. George Day - Christian
  • 27
    • Yom HaShoah * - Jewish
  • 29
    • Ninth Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i

MAY 2014

  • 1
    • National Day of Prayer - Interfaith USA
    • Beltane - Samhain * - Wicca/Pagan  Northern and Southern hemispheres
  • 2
    • Twelfth Day of Ridvan * - Baha'i
  • 5
    • Yom Ha'Atzmaut* - Jewish
  • 15-18
    • Theravadin New Year ** - Buddhist
  • 18
    • Lag B'Omer* - Jewish
  • 14
    • Visakha Puja - Buddha Day ** - Buddhist
  • 23
    • Declaration of the Bab * - Baha'i
  • 27
    • Lailat al Miraj * ** - Islam
  • 29
    • Ascension of Jesus - All Christians
    • Ascension of Baha'u'llah * - Baha'i

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