Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Music - the gift from God - the People's Choice


Throughout time there has always been something God gave us to lift spirits, inspire, bring change or just make us forget.  The light from music can always penetrate the dark no matter how bad things get.  In this time music is more important than ever because the world has been lulled to sleep by technology, empty promises and misplaced priorities.  For a few minutes let some bright new artists take you away.

First there is Sister Crisrtina from Italy who literally blew away the judges on the Italian Voice competition. This singing nun is a real pint-size nun with the voice of an angel, or perhaps many angels.  She is living proof that not all heavenly music can be found in the choir book.

Second from Britain and the Britain's Got Talent show this year comes a group called Collabro that had been singing together for just a month before the competition.  Not enough time to be good? Just watch.

And now for the show...

Over 47 million people had watched Sister Cristina and several million had watched Collabro.

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