Monday, June 24, 2013

New CPT Columnist


Fannee Hilander
The Barefoot Blueblood Blonde Belle
of Bluegrass Horse Country Kentucky

CPT is pleased to introduce our new columnist from Kentucky, Fannee Hilander, a true Blueblood from the Bluegrass of thoroughbred horse country.  This Southern Belle has come a long ways from the barefoot babe of Muddy Ford, Kentucky to matriarch of her Hilander clan, not to be confused with the immortal Scottish Highlanders whose ancestors settled all around Fannee's Indian Summer Place in Kentucky and introduced world-famous Bourbon to the unsuspecting Earthlings.
In a word Fannee is "authentic" whatever that may mean to you.  Like most Bluebloods she is also a stickler for etiquette, likes Jaguar sports cars, has a life size coat of armor in her doorway, a massive Indian totem pole tree in her front yard, and huge lion statues at the entry to her little corner of paradise.  Of course the picture perfect setting would not be complete without the spectacular water falls guarding her enchanted farm.
This is a woman of purpose.  By 16 years old she won a United Nations UNICEF competition and appeared on the nationally famous Ed Sullivan Show from New York City.  The "Really Big Shew" appearance was sandwiched the week between the two legendary Ed Sullivan introductions of a young singer named Elvis Presley.  Imagine that, missing by a week from sharing backstage with the King of Rock and Roll.
Should one ever receive a coveted invitation to any of the legendary social events at Indian Summer Place Farm you will no doubt wind up sipping mint juleps by the swimming pool as a Blueblood breed of free range and free yard chickens dart between your legs while you discuss the latest odds for the Kentucky Derby.
In spite of having a hair dresser and manicurist on full time retainer Fannee is not above getting her nails scratched or make up smudged while searching for the perfect story for her books, movies, documentaries or magazine articles.
Her favorite literary subjects beyond her mother, immediate family and scantily clad Mayan Indian dancers are world famous or almost world famous celebrities from movie actors to politicians to sports legends to Native American leaders, IF she finds their story interesting.

I've seen her in action from the sophisticated New York City skyscrapers to the Smithsonian museums in our nation's capitol.  Of course there were also stops at the National Press club luncheon with the President of Chile to a rollicking evening at a French Burlesque club downtown.  Fannee leaves no stone unturned in her search for adventure, and/or stories.
She prowls the mountains of Santa Fe, New Mexico and the theaters of southwestern film festivals with occasional side trips to Paris, France or Yucatan Mexico.  I was even with her at one of the most incredible of all Native American events in the canyons of Arizona where the Hopi nation hosted a fulfillment of sacred prophecies by the Hopi, Navajo, and Zuni nations of the US, the Algonquin from Canada, the Ute from Columbia, South America and the Aborigines from Australia along with Tibetan monks sent by the Dali Lama.
You get the idea.  Another writer with way too much time on her hands whose subjects may be anyone from a Sheik in Dubai (just another fellow horse person) to our most powerful politicians in Washington (good old Kentucky boys).  Her stories are as colorful as her personality as you will discover and she brings us a fresh new perspective behind the scenes in the mysterious world of the elite.

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