Sunday, February 19, 2012

Chinese Year of Dragon & New York Knicks


China + Dragon + Knicks = Power

According to ancient Chinese teaching we have entered the year of the Dragon, one of the most powerful and revered of all Signs.

The Dragon is a symbol of good fortune and intense power in Eastern culture.  In Chinese tradition, the Dragon is regarded as a divine beast.

Just ask the New York Knicks.

Good fortune and power fell in their knickerbockers two weeks ago when they took a chance or read a fortune cookie, whichever story you choose, and put a Chinese-Taiwanese player nobody in the NBA wanted on their roster and into a game.

The rest is history though a short history so far.  The Chinese Dragon smiled down on the Knicks and unknown sensation Jeremy Lin transformed into a superstar, al beit a most unusual humble hero, unusual for the NBA that is.

But the magic of the Dragon was not through with the Knicks.  Just today, Sunday, a second Chinese gift came to the Knicks.

Three days ago American J. R. Smith was playing in a Chinese basketball league in China.

Two days ago he was on a plane headed to NYC having been picked up by the Knicks.

Yesterday he arrived probably suffering from jet lag and too late for team practice.

Today he entered the game having never even practiced with the Knicks and nailed his first two shots from 3 point range.


A second gift from the Dragon in two weeks, both with distinct China ties.  Are you beginning to sense some wild Dragon magic might be at work?

Well the Knicks were playing the Dallas Mavericks, the defending national champions and one of the top teams in the NBA.  How about the gifts from the Dragon?  Lin scored 28 points and had 14 assists while Smith scored 15 m0re, a total of 43 points btween them, and enough to lead the Knicks to their 8th win in 9 games since Lin joined the team.

More important, other Knicks are starting to play team basketball and achieve much improved results.  But get this, the star of the Knicks, Carmelo Anthony, has been injured the entire time Lin has played.  Any day he will rejoin the team.

Finally, the Knicks franchised has substantially increased in value on the stock market since Lin joined the team while the greatest fans in America have been fired up with hope for the Knicks following in the New York Giants footsteps to another world championship.

It should be fun.  And then, well if the Dragon is any sign then watch for the blue collar boys from New York to shake things up in the NBA playoffs.   

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