Monday, January 23, 2012

Happy Chinese New Year - Year of the Dragon

One of my favorite ancient cultures celebrates the New Year of the Dragon today just as it has since before western calendars were ever created.  The Chinese have held onto beliefs and practices from asrtrological to medicine, art to music longer than most people can even imagine.  We should all take time to learn and explore the Chinese people and culture.

If we did we would find in many ways the Chinese have contributed to the march of mankind.  Many people in America are concerned that made in China is a bad thing but one must remember those things made in China for export to America are made to specifications given to the Chinese by American companies.

There are many things in medicine, herbs, art, culture and history where the Chinese origins represent the highest quality in the world.  We owe them a debt of gratitude for these many contributions.  So I say to you and my many Chinese friends:

Please enjoy the photos from the celebrations of New Year across China in this, the Year of the Dragon, beginning January 23, 2012.



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