Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Finding what is right with America - a Journey to the Bluegrass State of Kentucky


I just returned from 3 weeks in Kentucky where I went to get help for my bout with Lyme disease and where I went to find people who in spite of the recession are working to resolve the problems caused by the political stalemate in Washington DC.

It was refreshing to find people who can ignore the chaos in our capitol and are diligently working to solve the problems others are ignoring. My intent is to report to you on all the good things being accomplished out in the real America in spite of the difficulties we all face.

It was a journey I made to find hope and I was pleasantly surprised to find it in many areas. A series of articles will follow telling you of breakthroughs in areas from teaching to medical advancements, from computer security to innovations that could help you find solutions to the many problems we face.

As a victim of the medical problems that are not being addressed which I discovered since being diagnosed with Lyme disease, I can tell you there are people who can help you. They are quietly working to help restore your health and they are not motivated by greed but by a desire to help people stop suffering and get well.

I apologize for not writing recently but I had to find positive stories to report and getting away from the Washington political and media circus helped me discover what I thought we had lost, the good old American desire to make a better life for every one. Our news is dominated with what is wrong but thank God there are many, many people who refuse to accept the news as being indicative of the true spirit of America.

I hope the next few articles will show you that there are souls out in Main Street America who reject the notion we are weak, people who are focused on fixing our problems and people who long ago knew that we are strong because of the people. Our leaders should take note of these innovators, should learn from them that tearing down each other accomplishes nothing, and that our greatness comes from the unselfish acts of kindness taking place throughout our great nation.

No trip to Kentucky would be complete without joining 23,000 fans at a UK basketball game which I did, watching the Wildcats beat arch-rival Indiana. While the state was being battered by frigid cold and snow we were inside the citadel of college basketball, Rupp Arena, in downtown Lexington, rocking as the Cats wore down the Hoosiers.

As we approach the sacred Holiday season I intend to tell you their stories about what is right with America and what is being done to help people. I hope you will share these stories with those who may benefit from the information.


1 comment:

  1. Phyllis, Las Vegas9:51 PM

    Jim...Sorry to hear about your bout with Lyme disease. It can be nasty...hope you enjoyed Kentucky and found some relief there.
