Monday, November 15, 2010

Palin Power Prevails in Alaska Premiere Record Setter


Sarah Palin continues her record setting blitz on television as the premiere of her Sarah Palin's Alaska shattered the record for viewers on the TLC cable network with about 5 million viewers for opening night.  For comparison Conan O'Brien pulled about 2.7 million while Jay Leno, on a network, pulled about 3.6 million on the previous Friday night.

This comes on the heels of her election night contribution to Fox News channel which increased ratings 20% over the 2008 election and double the 2006 election as the Fox cable flagship stunned the network giants by beating all three national networks with Fox cable pulling 6.9 million, NBC 6.2 million, CBS 5.8 million and ABC 5.5 million during prime time.

Fox News with Sarah Palin continues to dominate cable news with average prime time viewers at 2.1 million while CNN has 575 thousand, MSNBC 820 thousand, CNBC 188 thousand and HLN 472 thousand.  In all shows Fox continues to pull two or three times more than the nearest competitor.

Of course it took a Palin to beat a Palin as Bristol Palin on Dancing with the Stars drew 20 million viewers in the most recent show just as Sarah Palin predicted.


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