Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Palin Power -- America's New Kingmaker for Tea Party


Love her or hate her Sarah Palin continues to defy the experts and embrace the people.  Just look at what she helped the Tea Party accomplish yesterday in the midterm elections.

Tea Party House, Senate & Governor candidates - 129
Tea Party Winners November 2 vote - 113
Winning percentage for Tea Party - 87%

Perhaps the greatest achievement by the Tea Party yesterday was sweeping state legislatures all across the nation into the Republican ranks.

Of the 54 candidates across congressional, gubernatorial and other state races Palin personally supported who faced primaries, 42 won. Combined with the candidates she backed who did not face primaries, that left 49 candidates for the 2010 midterms. Of those, 28 candidates won, 15 lost and six races were still undecided by early Wednesday morning.  Remember, many of these people were unknown until Palin endorsed them.

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