Friday, November 05, 2010

Chilean Marathon Miner - Elvis is still in the House


For rescued Chilean miner Edison Pena it has been a whirlwind three weeks since being saved from 69 days trapped half a mile underground. Edison challenged his destiny and said he wanted to show God he wanted to live by putting on his earphones, listening to his beloved Elvis Presley, and running 7 miles a day through the dark, damp and steamy tunnels far below the surface of the earth.

Before anyone knew he was alive the 33rd anniversary of the death of Elvis passed (August 16), rather ironic for 33 miners trapped who would be rescued on the 33rd day of drilling, but Edison placed his faith in a higher authority. Once rescued he was invited to be a guest at the New York City Marathon where 50,000 runners will be competing this Sunday.

He was also showered with gifts from the King's Elvis Presley Enterprises in Memphis and invited to be there guest at Graceland, the shrine to the King of Rock and Roll, for the 75th anniversary celebration on January 8 in Memphis. Then he will be sent to Las Vegas to watch Viva Elvis, the Cirque du Soleil show based on Elvis' music.

Yesterday he arrived in NYC to a heroes welcome and made a highly personable appearance on Letterman. You must watch the following clip, especially the last part when he unexpectedly imitates Elvis and charms the audience. Note that though he speaks no English he sings, in perfect English, Elvis songs.


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