Friday, October 08, 2010

CuChulainn Deo Irie - His Spirit will Live Forever


On Wednesday of this week I lost a great friend and inseparable companion of over seven years when CuChulainn Deo Irie, my Irish Wolfhound nicknamed Coolin, died in my arms after fighting valiantly for ten days against a deadly infection.

Coolin was of the Super breed from Ireland and stood 40 inches at the shoulders, was 7' 3" from nose to tail, and weighed about 250 pounds. There could be no more loyalty, love and companionship given by one of God's creatures than what Coolin gave me.

While his Gaelic name stood for the Warrior Spirit of Ireland, the Irish Wolfhound are truly the gentle giants of the canine world with a history dating back 3,500 years. I once wrote an article linked below about Living with an Irish Wolfhound.

They are a mystical, spiritual and magical breed and he will be missed.

Click below for more.



  1. I'm so sorry to hear about CulChulainn he was a handsome Lad. His face and eyes seem to show much wisdom from the photograph.I don't recall you mentioning he was ill. He'll be with you in spirit as long as you need him to be. Condolences,Marianne

  2. Phyllis, Las Vegas11:30 PM

    Jim...I decided tonight to catch up on the Colton's Point Times and came across the blog about Coolin. i was so sorry to hear about his death. I will miss looking for him while visiting the Point. He was truly a majestic animal.

  3. maynris6:43 AM

    Hi Jim, a rather strange request but would you agree to us using a picture of your lovely Coolin in a TV programme we are making? How do we email each other without it being to the whole world?! Thanks Debbie

  4. peter willis8:53 PM

    Beautiful Boy-I am tearing up just looking-he looks just like my lurcher that died nearly 15 Christmases ago. SO painful-it will take time for such a los to go away-I hope you cope well-your time together must make that a bit better but still...
