Monday, June 21, 2010

Here we go again - Rahm condemns BP as Obama & Biden Save the Gulf while Golfing


Only in the capitol of the most powerful nation on Earth that is suffering from the most devastating environmental disaster in history could media attention be focused on the leisure activities of our leaders. It all started when Obama Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel went on national television and blasted the CEO of BP, Tony Hayward, for being at a yachting race off England while the BP oil well was still pouring crude oil into the Gulf of Mexico.

Chicago ballet dancer Emanuel is known for his Southside Chicago political pit bull attacks on any opponent of Obama or his policies. The controversial Rahm was attempting to play off the poor image of BP in public opinion polls while deflecting attention from criticism of Obama for his handling of the oil spill.

There were two factual problems not mentioned by Obama cheerleader MSNBC and their liberal morning hosts. One was that the BP CEO Tony Hayward being criticized by Emanuel is no longer in charge of the oil spill having been tossed to the wayside due to relentless media pressure here in the colonies.

The other is that while Rahm was blasting BP for playing while the oil was spewing, his own boss Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden who are still responsible for the oil crisis were also playing at the sport we imported from the UK, golf.

Was the chief of staff unaware of the schedule of his boss or did he think he controlled the media so much that he didn't need to worry about anyone discovering the truth?

Note the irony that as Emanuel beat up on Hayward, another UK resident, Graeme McDowell of Northern Ireland was winning our very own US Open golf tournament just beating out Gregory Havret of France.

What in the world is going on? An unknown from Northern Ireland wins America's most prestigious golf championship, the first time in 40 years a non-American wins, while a Frenchman finishes second? It must be the End Times!

Over in South Africa at the World Cup soccer matches even a redesigned official soccer ball could not make most matches interesting. I don't know about you but I have a very hard time accepting a tie as anything short of failure, yet the vast majority of matches do end in a tie.

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