Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Memo to Internet Spammers and TV Advertisers - No More Prescription Addiction


Older Americans now take over 8 prescription drugs a day to sustain their lives. All health care reform is going to do it make it easier and cheaper to take more prescriptions. But after spending a lifetime taking vaccines, booster shots, antibiotics, and maintenance drugs, all which contributed to poor health and higher insurance premiums, what can we do? I say stop taking prescription drugs. The only reason you have to is because you spent your life doing what they told you to do.

It is time we said enough is enough and started getting well rather than getting treated. But before we make such a dramatic step forward in survival you need to take The I Don't Need Creed. It goes something like this.

The I Don't Need Creed!

I don't need drugs for depression because I'm not depressed.

I don't need drugs to relax because I'm already relaxed.

I don't need drugs to sleep because I don't feel like sleeping.

I don't need drugs to wake up because I didn't take drugs to sleep.

I don't need drugs to have sex because, well, it's none of your business.

I don't need drugs for sore legs because I earned the pain.

I don't need drugs for aching joints because I played hard as a kid.

I don't need drugs for cancer because I just might not have it.

I don't need drugs to eat because I'm not hungry.

I don't need drugs to run the marathon because it's a stupid thing to do.

I don't need drugs for being tired because I'm not tired.

I don't need drugs for plastic surgery because I like who I am.

I don't need drugs just because I'm eligible for AARP.

I don't need drugs to stop smoking because I stopped.

I don't need drugs for brittle bones because they aren't brittle.

I don't need drugs for my teeth and gums because they don't hurt.

I don't need drugs for wrinkles because I laughed enough to earn them.

I don't need drugs for soft or brittle nails because they look just fine.

I don't need drugs for smooth skin because smooth is not me.

I don't need drugs for gray hair because I should be getting gray.

I don't need drugs for being left handed because ass backward is okay by me.

I don't need drugs for nightmares because I might learn a lesson.

I don't need drugs for headaches for glasses because I can see just fine.

I don't need drugs for moles or warts because they don't bother me.

I don't need drugs to think better because I think just enough.

I don't need drugs to be happy because my eyes are open.

I don't need drugs for self esteem because I'm not ashamed of who I am.

I don't need drugs for doing stupid things because I might need them all the time.

I don't need drugs to eat better because I'm already big enough.

I don't need drugs to diet because I can stop eating junk.

I don't need drugs for a cold because I was out in the rain.

I don't need drugs to feel well because I want to keep feeling well.

I don't need drugs for thin blood because I already bleed too much.

I don't need drugs for a stroke because I don't have one.

I don't need drugs for mosquito bites because they are supposed to bite.

I don't need drugs for tick or flea bites because I don't walk in the woods.

I don't need drugs for clean water to drink because all the water is dirty.

I don't need drugs to stop heartburn because I don't have it yet.

I don't need drugs to stop headaches because I can turn off the TV.

I don't need drugs for Alzheimer's because I don't remember having it.



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