Monday, November 23, 2009

SNL 2012 Predicts Sarah Palin to Save America from Barack's Armageddon


Saturday Night Live became the first of the nation's elite liberal media to predict that the only hope for America in 2012, the end of time according to the Mayan prophecies, is Sarah Palin. Attempting to disguise the prediction as a typical spoof by the show that is dying for ratings and knows a ratings winner from experience, SNL showed a preview of the Sarah Palin in 2012 movie yet to be made.

Already acknowledging a failure by the Obama administration in their first term and that there is no chance for the reelection of this, the best team liberal money could buy, the entertainment celebrities have already turned on their political celebrities in predicting a Palin win in 2012.

Of course there is nothing like a liberal stampede to attract the attention of the masses so SNL relied on their comrade in arms MSNBC to splash the preview all over the airways on Monday thus insuring the spoof would become part of American media lore.

Liberal's don't like to lose and the liberal elitists are already abandoning the Obama ship of state as they watch the domestic and foreign policy initiatives of the Obama gang go up in flames. A good liberal always knows when to run and run they are from their Chosen One as he demonstrates the very inexperience the liberals promised he did not have.

Apparently this past week which Obama spent in Asia watching every policy initiative from Chinese human rights to getting tough on North Korea and Iran, from a stop to Israeli settlements to a halt to the Iranian nuclear program, all be ignored by foreign governments was enough to convince the liberals to jettison Obama and his gang and bet on Palin in 2012.

While Obama was disappointing everyone in Asia Sarah Palin was setting book sales records here in America as the liberal press did everything to undermine her efforts. As usual, the media sucked and Sarah blew them away. They just don't get it. We don't need any more intellectual constipation from the Ivy Leagues. We don't need empty promises. We don't need hidden taxes for all Americans.

Telling lies should not be part of the government agenda. Seizing up when tough decisions are faced is not what we expect of our leaders. Playing politics with the sons and daughters of Americans fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq is not what is expected of a Commander in Chief. Ignoring the advice of generals sent by the White House to recommend military strategy is not leadership.

Letting banks not provide banking services and Wall Street and banks pay out record bonuses is not the legacy the Democrats wanted. Watching Barney Franks continue cover up for the home mortgage mess or Rahm Emanuel continue to gut efforts to reform the financial system is a continuation of the corrupt practices that got us here in the first place.

With all the baggage mounting up against the ability of the Obama/Pelosi machine to run things, is it any wonder that SNL was the first to abandon them for 2012 and admit Sarah Palin may be our only hope to get us through the mess the politicians are creating? It is not often liberals can be accused of foresight but this may be the case.

You see, while the Obama gang was busy wondering what happened to the Obama ratings Palin was busy cruising Main Street and military bases meeting the people. While Obama plays basketball on Sundays with the guys, Palin is meeting with the Reverend Graham and other ministers to talk about the needs of families and for more faith in God. It does not take long for the public to know where hypocrisy thrives and where good old American values are protected. Yes SNL, Sarah Palin may be America's only hope for 2012.


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