Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama Campaign Politburo Silences ABC and CBS Journalists - Shades of Soviet Censorship

Obama New World Order Shows True Colors in Blacklisting Media

Is this a sign of things to come in the New World Order of Obama? For the second time recently journalists for major television network affiliates were interviewing Joe Biden asking about direct quotes of Obama concerning spreading the wealth and the relationship to socialism or Marxism.

The response of the vice president in waiting was to scorn the journalists and order the Obama campaign to smear the character and reputation of these local news stations, ban all future interviews with any representatives of the campaign, and quite possibly block any political ads from running locally thus denying them access to the 3/4 billion dollar media slush fund of the Obama campaign.

Barbara West, a 16 year veteran health and news anchor for WFTV ABC 9 in Orlando became the second victim of the Bulldog Biden censorship of the television media after a recent tantrum by Biden with KYW TV CBS 3 in Philadelphia over the same line of questions.

Biden has adopted a page out of the Lenin and Stalin Communist Manifesto to respond to a question about the Marxist leanings of the Democratic ticket and Democratic Congressional leadership that has pledged to take veto proof control of the White House and US Congress. Biden blacklisted the television affiliates and denied them access to our political leadership just because he doesn't like the questions they asked. The Obama campaign immediately moved to enforce the censorship.

Is this the kind of change they intend to jam down the throats of Americans that dare to question the oftentimes whimsical policies and programs to be pursued by the Obama New World Order? Well they should be honest and state that censorship of the media and persecution of dissenters will be part of their New World Order.

It is no wonder that recent polls in socialist leaning European countries show Obama to be favored over McCain 5-1 as the Obama campaign has already demonstrated an attitude toward the freedom of the press more in line with the old Soviet regime that silenced critics without remorse. We bet the tens of millions of dollar media blitz by the Obama campaign this last week will say nothing of the real agenda for the Obama - Pelosi - Reid New World Order about to take over the last outpost of pure democracy left in the world.

Maybe we should all move to Alaska and join Todd Palin in fighting the socialist stampede about to overrun the continental USA. Ironically it seems the only nation on earth aware of the dangers of the new push toward world socialism is Russia where the socialist communist experiment was implemented for about 75 years with devastating results including the loss of individual freedom, destruction of the free press and the liquidation of over 60 million citizens in the interest of the state. Russia learned the lesson the hard way, perhaps we should listen to them more and condemn them a little less?

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