Friday, April 04, 2008

Oprah Makes Pregnant Man Profitable

Thanks to the enormous ego and dedication of Oprah to bringing us the most important stories in America we now know all about the world’s first pregnant man although such a claim seems to fall on deaf ears since the man was a woman and the man kept all the women’s sexual organs.

If anything the guy/girl is the first medical miracle mutation where steroids, genetic manipulation and not sex change but the addition of male sex organs has resulted in a freak of nature who will be well rewarded for his/her efforts thanks to Oprah, People Magazine, genetic scientists and Good Morning America among others who seem to think playing God is cool.

Since Oprah insists on having her name on everything she does don’t be surprised if the kid is named Oprah if a girl, Opy if a boy, and Oopsie if a combination of the two like her mother/father or father/mother. Now is it really necessary to dominate the TV airways and magazines with such stories when so much truth is out there and needs our attention?

According to an article in The New Yorker Magazine titled Oprah’s World, Spreading the gospel of giving by Nancy Franklin I am not the only one to notice her obsession with putting her name on everything. Nancy wrote the following excerpt from the story.

“Among the possessive trademarks that Winfrey controls are Oprah & Friends, Oprah’s Angel Network, Oprah’s Book Club, Wildest Dreams with Oprah, The Oprah Store, Oprah Boutique, and Oprah’s Favorite Things. The design of the letter “O” used in the title of her magazines, O, The Oprah Magazine and O at Home, is trademarked. Leave it to Winfrey to have a trademark on the letter that’s the symbol for the element oxygen; it’s as if she owned the very air we breathe—not to mention that she was a co-founder of the TV network Oxygen, and that, it was announced two months ago, she is starting up a new venture called the Oprah Winfrey Network, whose acronym is OWN. Snap! Go to and sign up to join “Oprah’s world,” and stay on top of all her activities, which are taking place everywhere, all the time: on TV (her talk show is seen in more than a hundred countries), on the Internet, in movies, in bookstores, on Broadway, on newsstands, in South Africa at her school for young girls, in New Orleans reporting on Hurricane Katrina’s devastation, in Des Moines endorsing Barack Obama.”

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