Wednesday, April 16, 2008


As the work crew was hard at work putting the finishing touches on the restored Coltons Point Lighthouse there was a sighting from an observation boat certain to change the perception of Coltons Point as a sleepy little hideway safely tucked along the Potomac.

The following view of the Lighthouse and Cross towering in the background on St. Clements Island just off Coltons Point captured the first confirmed sighting of the Coltons Point Nessie casually sauntering past the Island.

Rumors of the existence of such a monster have circulated for 300 years but until this week it has never been captured on film. Unlike the Nessie of Loch Ness fame in Scotland, the Coltons Point Nessie exposed much more of its massive size to the camera.

Media and photographers are expected to be lining the beaches and seawalls of the Point in the weeks to come to confirm the sighting and be the first to sell pictures to National Enquirer and other media outlets while here at the Point we wonder just what is really in the waters of the Potomac to cause such a critter to appear.

Please submit pictures and reports of your close encounters with Nessie so we can update the files and watch for the Coltons Point Nessie tee shirts to appear in the museum soon. Also you should report any missing people so a determination can be made on whether they are worth a massive sea search.

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