Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Farewell To The People's President

Bob Woodward – Blabbermouth of American Media!
Egomaniac, Opportunist and Sensationalist Extraordinaire

By Jim Putnam

Bob Woodward, former Washington Post reporter of Watergate “Deep Throat” fame has taken a giant leap forward on his path of single handedly trying to demonstrate the sorry state of decline the journalism profession in America has reached. The day after President Ford died Woodward release a tape of an interview with the former President, a tape Ford requested not be released until after his death.

Woodward, the mad dog of opportunistic reporting and despicable journalist practices did not even have the decency to wait until the former President was buried before releasing the most provocative elements of the taping in which Ford disagreed with the Bush administration handling of the Iraq war.

Ever the seeker of sensationalism in reporting, especially when he has a new book on the market with disappointing sales, Woodward used his confidential taping of Ford in order to smear the Bush administration, to cast doubt on Ford’s honesty, and to distract from the many ceremonies honoring the “People’s President”.

Ford did not have an imperial presidency like others, but he did encounter an imperial media hack in Woodward. I doubt Ford said Woodward should release edited fragments of his interview at the instant of his death while his wife was in mourning and before he was even in the ground. Being the egomaniac he is Woodward showed no respect for the Ford family, for the fact Ford was kind enough to grant him the interview in the first place, or for the fact reporters are supposed to be reporting the news, not manufacturing it.

Woodward demonstrated once again when reporters think they are the stars of the news, and when good judgment and common decency can so easily be ignored, then it is no wonder the credibility of the news media has been tossed down the toilet. After this travesty no one in their right mind should be a confidential source to a self-serving blabbermouth like Woodward.

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